VueMinder Lite Version History

VueMinder Lite continues to be improved. Read below for details about the latest updates, or check out our Blog for an overview.

Version 2023.01 (September 20, 2023)

  • Added an option when syncing with Google Calendar to sync event descriptions as either formatted text or plain text. Selecting the plain text option can fix cases where event descriptions contain HTML code after syncing, due to Google Calendar syncing with other apps that don't support formatted text descriptions.
  • Corrected authorization issues seen on some computers when attempting to sync with Google Calendar. VueMinder has been updated to use the latest Google Calendar and OAuth APIs.
  • Corrected various problems syncing with Google Calendar.
  • Corrected reminder snooze durations when using French as the interface language.
  • Corrected adding photos to contacts. Sometimes the photos would automatically rotate 90 degrees.
  • Updated the Dutch, German, Norwegian, and Spanish translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2022.01 (March 27, 2022)

  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to support formatted text in event descriptions.
  • Corrected the Duration field on the Event Editor. When using some languages, such as Japanese, values could not be selected and input focus would get stuck.
  • Updated the German translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2021.03 (November 14, 2021)

  • Improved to show occurrence numbers on recurring events in the Desktop Calendar's list of upcoming events and in the all-day event areas of the Day and Week views.
  • Corrected intermittent out-of-memory errors that were occurring on some computers.
  • Corrected overlapping text on the Week View when using the grid layout.
  • Corrected copying and pasting events from one calendar into another.
  • Corrected automatic backups. On some computers, the data wasn't being automatically backed up when scheduled.
  • Corrected issues importing or subscribing to ICS files/URLs generated by iCloud.
  • Corrected cases where duplicate reminders could sometimes be listed on the popup reminder window.
  • Corrected the event creation time shown on the Details pane. In some cases, the creation time would appear as "Unknown".
  • Updated the Dutch, German, and Spanish translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2021.02 (May 8, 2021)

  • Added cut, copy, and paste context menu options to the Title field on the Event Editor window.
  • Improved pasting in the description text editor to include an option for pasting as plain text.
  • Improved the Week Grid view to show formatted text for event titles, the same as the Month and Day views.
  • Improved the mini Desktop Calendar to show dates in previous and next months.
  • Corrected intermittent "Out of memory" errors when opening or editing events and tasks.
  • Corrected intermittent problems with calendars not automatically syncing and event reminders not appearing when scheduled.
  • Corrected syncing errors that could sometimes occur after adding a Google Calendar to VueMinder.
  • Corrected the description text editor to not show double blank-lines between paragraphs.
  • Corrected alignment of titles for non all-day events. Previously, the titles were always left-justified, regardless of the associated appearance settings.
  • Corrected event titles in the Day and Week views when center or right-aligned. All-day event titles weren't appearing.
  • Corrected the event title that is shown in the Event Editor after opening an occurrence of a recurring series and all that follow. The title was showing "New Event" instead of the recurring event's title.
  • Corrected the Appearance Toolbar to enable modifying the selected calendar's appearance.
  • Corrected double-clicking of dates in previous and next months on the mini Desktop Calendar.
  • Corrected an error starting VueMinder on computers where the FIPS algorithm policy is enabled.
  • Updated the Persian, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2021.01 (January 10, 2021)

  • Improved the Event Editor to support formatting of individual words in event titles. Words can be colored via a right-click menu. Words can also be made bold, italic, or underline via standard keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+B.
  • Improved performance of opening events - especially the first time after starting VueMinder. On most computers, opening an event should take less than a second or two.
  • Corrected Windows file-type registration of VueMinder for opening iCalendar (ics) files.
  • Corrected cases where changes to existing event descriptions weren't getting saved.
  • Corrected intermittent errors and out-of-memory crashes while editing description text.
  • Corrected the default font size used for the description text in the Details Pane and hover tooltip. The text was too small.
  • Corrected the font in the description text editor. In some cases, the default font selected in the Editor Options would override fonts that were selected by the user while editing, after saving and re-opening the editor.
  • Corrected pasting text from Word documents when the copied text contains hyperlinks, dashes, or quotes.
  • Corrected pasting plain text into the description text editor. In some cases, dashes, quotes, and other characters were being pasted as HTML symbol codes instead of the correct characters.
  • Corrected problems copying/pasting text from PDF files into the description text editor. In some cases, text wouldn't paste or pasting would cause VueMinder to crash.
  • Corrected handling of the Ctrl+Alt+E shortcut when editing a description. The text was getting centered instead of the € symbol being inserted.
  • Corrected the Delete button on the Event Editor when an occurrence and all that follow of a recurring event is opened. Previously, clicking the Delete button wouldn't do anything.
  • Corrected spelling of certain words, such as color (colour) and synchronize (synchronise), when in the United Kingdom or Australia. This will happen automatically for new installations of VueMinder. For existing installations, select "English (United Kingdom)" or "English (Australia)" on the Language menu to see the spelling corrections.
  • Updated the German translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.08 (November 14, 2020)

  • Improved the Details Pane and event tooltip to use the same font as the text editor. The font can be specified via the "Options -> Editors" menu command.
  • Improved the VueMinder executable to be digitally signed. This will prevent tampering and should decrease the chances of antivirus programs reporting false-positives.
  • Corrected various Google Calendar syncing and authentication issues by updating to the latest Google Calendar API.
  • Corrected the Desription tab on the Event Editor to not be bold when a description hasn't been entered yet.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.07 (November 8, 2020)

  • Added an option to set the default font name, size, style, and color used by the formatted text editor for descriptions and notes. This option can be accessed via the "Options -> Editors" menu command.
  • Added the ability to save descriptions and notes as PDF files by clicking the "Save As" button on the text editor ribbon menu.
  • Improved performance of opening the Event Editor. On a typical computer, opening the editor the first time should take about 3 seconds, and under 1 second after the first time.
  • Corrected IME issues in the text editor when entering Chinese, Korean, or Japanese text.
  • Corrected descriptions that were created prior to version 2020.04. In some cases, they would show extra spacing between lines or paragraphs. They will default to single spacing now instead of double-spacing.
  • Corrected a problem on some computers where pressing the letter 'h' in the text editor would result in the Review tab being activated instead of the letter being entered.
  • Updated the Spanish translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.06 (October 31, 2020)

  • Added a "Save As" button to the text editor ribbon menu for saving notes to a Microsoft Word (.docx), HTML, Rich Text (.rtf), or plain text (.txt) file.
  • Added the ability to select the spell-checking language used by the text editor. Previously, the language defaulted to Windows regional settings and could not be changed. Language choices for the spell-checker are English, German, French, Italian, and Dutch. Additional languages will be available soon.
  • Added a button to the text editor ribbon menu for collapsing the ribbon, allowing more space for item descriptions. The text editor will also remember whether its ribbon has been minimized and restore that state the next time an editor is opened.
  • Improved the font drop-down list on the text editor to show a preview of each font name.
  • Improved the text editor to remember if the inline spell-checking option was enabled or disabled, and restore that setting the next time the editor is opened.
  • Updated the German translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.05 (October 27, 2020)

  • Corrected a problem with the Help -> About menu command not working.
  • Corrected problems when attempting to click the Buy Now buttons or menu options for updgrading to the Pro or Ultimate versions.

Version 2020.04 (October 26, 2020)

  • NOTE: This version is no longer compatible with Windows XP and Vista. It requires Windows 7, 8, or 10.
  • Added a more robust text editor for event descriptions. The new text editor supports many of the same features as Microsoft Word, and fixes numerous problems with the previous text editor.
  • Added a Format Painter feature to the text editor, which enables formatting to be duplicated to other content.
  • Added the ability to clear all formatting on selected text in the text editor.
  • Added the ability to specify underlined text styles (single-line, double-line, dashed line, etc.) to the text editor.
  • Added support for multi-level lists in the text editor.
  • Added the ability to select from predefined text and table styles in the text editor.
  • Added the ability to insert tables within tables in the text editor.
  • Added the ability to merge and unmerge selected table cells in the text editor.
  • Added options in the text editor for adjusting how inserted pictures float or are displayed inline with text.
  • Added the ability to insert captions on tables and pictures in the text editor.
  • Added an option for automatic spell-checking to the text editor. Misspelled words will be underlined with red squiggles.
  • Added the ability to search and replace text in the text editor.
  • Added an option to change the behavior of the up/down arrow navigation buttons on the Details Pane and Event Editor. You can choose to navigate between all items in all calendars regardless of visibility, visible items in all calendars, or visible items in the selected calendar only.
  • Improved the Recent Reminders window to allow multiple reminders to be selected and processed with a single click.
  • Improved and modernized the installer. It will check if VueMinder is running before installing and simplifies the installation process.
  • Improved the Group, Department, and Job Title fields on the Contact Editor window to support drop-down lists and auto-completion.
  • Improved performance when subscribing to iCalendar (ics) files and URLs.
  • Corrected subscribing to an iCalendar (ics) file to continue automatically updating the calendar when file changes are detected, if the calendar was previously manually commanded to sync.
  • Corrected double-clicking the Calendar View to use the calendar that has been selected as the default for new events. In some cases, a different calendar would be used.
  • Corrected various quirks with formatting or unformatting selected text in the text editor. In some cases, the new format wouldn't get applied, would get applied to other text, or would cause other text to disappear.
  • Corrected various quirks with pasting text into the text editor, including problems with the text disappearing or being unable to paste into other fields after pasting into the text editor.
  • Corrected the inability to type some non-English characters (such as the Polish character ż) into the text editor.
  • Corrected text editor performance issues when a large amount of text has been entered.
  • Corrected cases where the selected default snooze length on the Event Editor window wasn't getting saved.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to not dismiss reminders if the window is closed as a result of VueMinder being exited.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to properly maximize if it was maximized the last time it was closed.
  • Corrected clicking or double-clicking arrow navigation buttons on the Month Navigation Pane and Mini Deskop Calendar. In some cases, clicking would result in new event editor windows appearing.
  • Corrected the Mini Desktop Calendar to only show dates in the selected month, not dates that are in the previous or next month.
  • Corrected the Details Pane to only show a vertical scrollbar when it's needed.
  • Corrected the Find and Replace feature on the Translation Editor window.
  • Updated the Dutch, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, and Swedish translations.
  • Many other corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.03 (February 8, 2020)

  • Improved to show reminders for events that occurred up to 6 months in the past, instead of only 3 months.
  • Corrected to not show a webpage asking for access to Google Calendar if VueMinder was previously configured to sync and access has already been granted. On some computers, the webpage was reappearing daily or after every reboot.
  • Corrected snoozing desktop alerts. On some computers, nothing would happen when clicking the Snooze link.
  • Corrected the default calendar selection to not change after rebooting or restarting VueMinder, if the default selection was previously locked.
  • Corrected the active reminder indicator on the popup reminder window when multiple reminders are listed. In some cases, the indicator was not pointing to the reminder that would be affected by clicking the Snooze or Dismiss buttons.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.02 (January 25, 2020)

  • Added the ability to select multiple iCalendar (ics) files when importing. All the selected files will import into the specified calendar as a single operation, rather than needing to individually import each file.
  • Improved the mini calendars to color-code dates based on the first event that hasn't been marked as complete. If all events are complete on a date, the date background color will be faded.
  • Improved the readability of the Details Pane and the Quick Print output by using a slightly larger default font and by coloring text solid black instead of dark gray.
  • Corrected selecting dates on the Month view when the Month view is configured to show whole months, and the selected date is in a different month.
  • Corrected the positioning of the "Completed" indication on the Details Pane and tooltip for all-day events that have been marked as complete.
  • Updated the Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, and Portuguese (Portugal) translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2020.01 (January 19, 2020)

  • Added the ability to specify a default snooze length for popup reminders and desktop alerts.
  • Added a "Today" button to the Mini Desktop Calendar. Clicking the button will make the current date and month visible.
  • Added links for creating new events to the tooltip that is displayed when hovering over a date on the Mini Desktop Calendar and Month Navigation Pane.
  • Added an option to select whether a reminder is snoozed or dismissed when the X button is used to close a popup reminder or desktop alert.
  • Improved the default event starting time when creating new events on the Month view. The starting time will default to a time that doesn't conflict with other events that are associated with the same calendar.
  • Improved the "Add Google Calendar" window to make it more obvious that VueMinder can sync with any number of Google Calendar accounts, and adding a new account is as simple as typing the account's name.
  • Improved the VueMinder executable to be digitally signed, reducing the likelihood of VueMinder being falsely flagged as a threat by antivirus programs.
  • Improved double-clicking a date on the Month Navigation Pane to create a new event.
  • Improved double-clicking a date on the Mini Desktop Calendar to open the main VueMinder window and show the clicked date in the Month view.
  • Improved the Mini Desktop Calendar to restore its previous position when switching between different monitor configurations or resolutions.
  • Improved the Mini Desktop Calendar and Month Navigation Pane to fade the background color of dates that contain completed events.
  • Improved the Details Pane to show event creation and modification times. In some cases, the times wouldn't appear, especially for events that were imported from external sources. If a creation time isn't known for some reason, "Unknown" will be shown instead of not showing anything.
  • Improved the Details Pane and tooltip to list meeting attendee names and email addresses when a meeting is selected or hovered.
  • Corrected a memory leak when hovering over dates in the mini calendar.
  • Corrected opening recurring events from the tooltip that is displayed when hovering over a date in the mini calendar. In some cases, a window asking whether to open the selected occurrence of entire series would appear multiple times.
  • Corrected syncing recurring events with Google Calendar when a recurring series is edited to start on a different date.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar when occurrences of a daily series have been deleted and those occurrences cross over midnight.
  • Corrected clicking dates on the Mini Desktop Calendar or Month Navigation Pane when the Month View is configured to show whole months. In some cases, clicking a date would result in the Month view no longer showing a whole month containing the clicked date.
  • Corrected the description text editor to use the specified font as the default when a new item is created and a different font is selected. The selected font will become the default for new items.
  • Updated the Catalan and Chinese translations.
  • Many other corrections and improvements.

Version 2019.05 (August 1, 2019)

  • Corrected a problem with some computers still intermittently showing a web page requesting access to Google account data when access was previously granted.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to use the currently selected snooze duration when the X button is clicked in the upper-right corner to close/snooze the reminder.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2019.04 (July 20, 2019)

  • Corrected to not repeatedly show a web page requesting access to Google account data when access was previously granted for syncing with Google Calendar.
  • Corrected a problem when attempting to convert a recurring event series into a single event.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2019.03 (July 16, 2019)

  • Corrected a problem creating or editing events that have a duration of more than 8 days.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2019.02 (July 11, 2019)

  • Added an option for the default contact "File As" names to be either "Last, First" or "First Last". This option is used when creating new contacts.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to use the latest Google API library, which contain many corrections and improvements since the previously used version of the library.
  • Improved the reliability of syncing with Google Calendar. In some cases, changes to events wouldn't be detected and wouldn't properly synced. That should no longer happen.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to reduce the number of queries against the Google Calendar API. VueMinder was hitting a daily quota limit (imposed by Google) on the number of queries, resulting in calendars not syncing. If enough people update to the new version, this should no longer be an issue (so please update!).
  • Improved the behavior of the default snooze time on popup reminders.
  • Improved contact photos to be saved under the VueMinder data folder. The images will now be included in the backup files generated by VueMinder and can be restored.
  • Improved the drop-down category, location, and priority lists to show more rows and reduce scrolling.
  • Corrected various problems when syncing daily recurring events with Google Calendar if the events span past midnight.
  • Corrected error messages about inconsistent recurrence patterns when creating recurring events.
  • Corrected exporting reminders to iCalendar files when reminders are configured to appear 0 minutes before an event starts.
  • Corrected the Backup/Restore Data windows to show all available backup files. In some cases, previously generated backup files weren't appearing on these windows.
  • Corrected automatic cleanup of backup files to properly delete any backup files that are older than the specified number of days. In some cases, old backup files weren't being properly removed.
  • Corrected to not close the current calendar view (Day, Week, Month, etc.) when pressing Ctrl+F4.
  • Updated the Portuguese translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2019.01 (February 19, 2019)

  • Added the ability to sync events with any number of Google accounts, instead of being limited to only syncing with one account.
  • Improved handling of errors when syncing with Google Calendar. Any errors that prevent syncing will be displayed on the Status Bar. For errors that VueMinder knows how to solve, a button will be provided to attempt an automated fix.
  • Improved importing iCalendar (ics) files to use the currently selected calendar as the default destination calendar for the imported events, rather than creating a new calendar based on the calendar name found in the ics file.
  • Improved importing iCalendar (ics) files to process URL properties. These will be shown in the imported event descriptions and can be clicked to open.
  • Corrected subscribing to iCalendar URLs that require being opened in a newer web browser. VueMinder will mimic being a web browser, enabling the iCalendar URLs to be downloaded and processed.
  • Corrected the "Today" notification that appears when VueMinder starts. If there are no upcoming events on the current date, the notification won't be displayed because all it contains is the current date.
  • Corrected creating events in the Day and Week views on the Desktop Calendar. The created events will default to the timeslots selected on the Desktop Calendar, not the timeslots selected in the main VueMinder window.
  • Corrected an intermittent error when opening contacts.
  • Corrected handling of intermittent errors related to the text description editor which could result in the content of the Description tab not appearing when an event is opened.
  • Corrected the storage location of Google OAuth2.0 tokens. These will be stored in the local VueMinder data folder, rather than a roaming user profile data folder.
  • Translated into Bosnian and Portuguese (Brazil).
  • Updated the Catalan, Dutch, German, and Portuguese (Portugal) translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2018.02 (August 14, 2018)

  • Added the ability to format the title text that can be specified when printing.
  • Added an option to show the printout title within the date header area of the Monthly print layout, rather than above the date header.
  • Added the ability to run multiple instances of the USB version simultaneously as long as those instances are running from different locations.
  • Improved performance and reliability of saving category, priority, and location data files. These files should no longer become corrupted.
  • Improved the description text editor to include a "Paste as Plain Text" command on the right-click context menu. Also added a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+P) for pasting plain text.
  • Improved the Contact Editor to include the contact's name in the window title.
  • Corrected saving changes to events when the only modification is the time when the popup reminder is scheduled to appear. The change wouldn't get saved.
  • Corrected importing reminders from iCalendar (ics) files/URLs when those reminders are scheduled to appear after an event starts instead of before. The reminders will now appear at the correct time after importing into VueMinder.
  • Corrected exporting reminders to iCalendar (ics) files/URLs when reminders are scheduled to appear after the event starts instead of before. The TRIGGER value in the ics file will have the correct value instead of being 0.
  • Corrected color-coding when an occurrence of a recurring series is modified to be associated with a different category and VueMinder has been configured to color events based on category. In some cases, the color of the modified event wouldn't refresh.
  • Corrected saving of events that are not all-day and have a duration between 24 and 25 hours. The end time of the events would be incorrect when re-opened in the Event Editor and the duration would indicate "1 day" instead of the exact number of hours.
  • Translated into Turkish and updated the Polish translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2018.01 (March 19, 2018)

  • Improved the popup reminder window to show a context menu when right-clicking a reminder's row. The context menu can be used to open, delete, snooze, or dismiss the reminder.
  • Improved the date range drop-down list on the Print window to include "Previous year" and "Next year" options.
  • Improved the Event Editor to open with the Description tab shown by default, even if the description is empty and the event has an associated reminder or data on the other tabs.
  • Improved the File->New submenu to list the options for creating new events before the options for creating new calendars.
  • Corrected the hotkey for showing the main VueMinder window. The hotkey wouldn't work if all windows were minimized.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to open maximized if it was maximized the last time it was closed.
  • Corrected exporting reminders to ICS files when reminders are scheduled to be shown at the same time the associated event starts. Some other calendar programs were unable to process the reminder trigger value.
  • Corrected importing ICS files from some calendar programs that indicate new lines using \r\n.
  • Corrected importing yearly recurring events from ICS files when the year interval is greater than 1.
  • Corrected exporting popup reminders to ICS files to specify ACTION:DISPLAY instead of ACTION:Display, since some other calendar programs expect all uppercase for the action type.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to not default to being the top-most window on new installations.
  • Updated the Catalan and Portuguese translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2018.00 (January 1, 2018)

  • Added the ability to export selected events to an ICS file. Multiple events can be selected for export, even if they are associated with different calendars.
  • Added a Duplicate button to the Category editor, for creating a copy of a category and its appearance settings.
  • Added an option to not attempt to connect to Internet time servers for retrieving accurate timestamps. If you don't sync calendars this option can be safely disabled.
  • Improved the Desktop Calendar to restore its previously size and position when switching monitor resolutions and/or multi-monitor configurations.
  • Improved the hotkey for showing the main VueMinder window. If the main window is already visible and displayed above other windows, pressing the hotkey again will minimize the main window.
  • Improved the "Quick Print" right-click command to work with multiple selected items.
  • Improved the popup reminder window to always restore the previously specified snooze time for an individual event as the default the next time the reminder appears for that event.
  • Improved entering times in the "Start time" and "End time" fields of the Event Editor. When only 2 digits are entered, they will be assumed to be hours instead of minutes. For example, 10 will be 10:00. Military time can also be entered, such as 1430 for 2:30 PM.
  • Corrected cancelled occurrences of recurring meetings in calendars that are synced with Google Calendar to not sometimes re-appear after the calendar syncs.
  • Corrected exporting popup reminders and desktop alerts to ICS files to include an action type of "display", for better compatibility with importing reminders into other calendar programs.
  • Corrected exporting reminders to ICS files for recurring events. If the recurring series began before the current date, reminders wouldn't export.
  • Corrected the "Help -> Send Feedback or Bug Report" menu command on computers where no default email program is installed or configured. Previously, the menu command would do nothing.
  • Corrected the category list to not re-initialize to the default when VueMinder restarts if all categories were intentionally deleted or if there's only one category defined.
  • Corrected the Category, Priority, and Location rows in the Calendar Items area to properly refresh after an appearance change is undone.
  • Corrected printing events that span multiple months when using the Monthly layout and the "Whole month without overflow" option is selected. Previously, the events would only appear on the first and last months, not the months in between.
  • Corrected the font size on the Description Editor toolbar to not allow very small values (like 1) to be entered and to behave properly when typing a font size value instead of using the drop-down.
  • Corrected the "Click to add" button to not appear if the button would overlap any event in the hovered date or timeslot.
  • Corrected the USB version to re-display instead of completely restarting when already running and the shortcut to start the USB version is used.
  • Corrected an intermittent error message when performing an auto-backup on some computers.
  • Corrected to not show an upgrade message every time a meeting is opened.
  • Updated the Catalan and Portuguese translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2017.04 (August 13, 2017)

  • Corrected text scaling. On some computers, toggling the "Use text scaling" option in the Program Options would have no effect and text would continue to be blurry or too large.
  • Updated the Dutch translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2017.03 (August 6, 2017)

  • Added a button to the mini desktop calendar for opening the main VueMinder window.
  • Improved VueMinder to support secure connections using TLS1.2. This fixes a variety of issues, such as not being able to subscribe to Yahoo! Calendar.
  • Improved the Details Pane to show the selected event's creation date/time. If the event was modified, the last modification time will also be shown.
  • Improved the display of event creation and modification times when syncing with external calendars like Google Calendar or iCalendar subscriptions. The Details Pane will show when events were created or modified externally, not when the calendar was last synced.
  • Improved the Details Pane when a modified occurrence of a recurring event is selected. If the event has been rescheduled or moved to a different location, the original time or location will be crossed out and followed by the updated value.
  • Improved integration with PrintableCal. PrintableCal will use VueMinder's latest data when generating a printable calendar.
  • Improved and updated the appearance of the mini desktop calendar. It will look better on Windows 10 now.
  • Improved the auto-backup feature. If the specified auto-backup folder is unavailable, a message will appear indicating the backup failed and providing an option to change the auto-backup settings.
  • Corrected cases in which deleted occurrences of recurring events could sometimes appear in VueMinder when importing iCalendar files or when subscribing to online calendars like Yahoo! Calendar.
  • Corrected iCalendar subscriptions to not show duplicate events when recurring events have been edited externally (such as on Yahoo! Calendar) with the "This and all future events" option selected.
  • Corrected exported iCalendar files to include event creation and modification times.
  • Corrected the handling of improperly formatted data when editing a contact.
  • Corrected the display of recurring events in the Week grid view. If the option to show occurrence numbers was enabled, the event location text would overlap the event title.
  • Corrected changing the font name and size in the text editor. In some cases, the selected font wouldn't be applied and wouldn't be saved as the default.
  • Corrected the reported number of events shown for backups in the Backup Data window. Note, this correction will only apply to new backups generated after updating.
  • Corrected the tooltip width when hovering over events if nVidia Surround is used on multiple 4K monitors.
  • Corrected VueMinder to restart after changing the "Enable text scaling" option.
  • Translated to Croatian
  • Updated the Czech, French, Polish, and Russian translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2017.01 (January 30, 2017)

  • Updated the Catalan and Portuguese translations.

Version 2017.00 (January 28, 2017)

  • Added a filter toggle button to the Details Pane. When the filter button is selected, events filtered from the Calendar View will also be filtered from the Details Pane.
  • Added an option to hide the Status Bar on the Desktop Calendar.
  • Added an option to enable or disable text scaling. By default, VueMinder will no longer use text scaling. Instead, the user interface will match how it was intended to be displayed, even on high-resolution 4K monitors.
  • Improved the Desktop Calendar to support cutting (Ctrl+X), copying (Ctrl+C), and pasting (Ctrl+V) events using keyboard shortcuts. Also added support for undoing changes (Ctrl+Z) on the Desktop Calendar.
  • Improved the Month Settings menu to make it easier to find options.
  • Corrected problems syncing with Google Calendar (and possibly other external calendars) when using a proxy server.
  • Corrected importing from ICS files. In some cases, imported event descriptions would have missing spaces.
  • Corrected the title field to be automatically selected when opening or creating an event. This wasn't happening on some computers.
  • Corrected the Calendar View tabs to not close when Ctrl+F4 is pressed.
  • Corrected reminders where the number of times to repeat media playback is set to "unlimited". The media playback would eventually stop repeating.
  • Many other corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.09 (August 12, 2016)

  • Corrected various problems related to recurring events sometimes duplicating and reminders not dismissing or snoozing.
  • Corrected formatting of event descriptions when imported from an ICS file that was previous exported from VueMinder. Previously, the descriptions would import only as plain text.
  • Corrected the list of exported events shown after exporting a calendar to an ICS file. Recurring event variations were listed twice.
  • Updated the Catalan and Portuguese translations.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.08 (July 1, 2016)

  • Improved program performance, especially when recurring events have been defined.
  • Improved performance when importing ICS files that contain recurring events.
  • Improved the Details Pane and tooltips to show the date and time when an item was created or last modified.
  • Improved the text editor to select double-clicked words.
  • Improved contact photos to be cached locally, in case the images were added from a network location. The images will load faster and will also be shown while offline.
  • Improved the Event Editor to automatically enable a reminder when its row is selected from the list of available reminder types.
  • Improved the reliability of saving program data and settings. In some cases, the settings file could become corrupted, which could then lead to data not loading properly if stored in a non-default location.
  • Corrected changing the font name, size, and color in the text editor. In some cases, several characters could be deleted near the caret position when the font was modified.
  • Corrected the text editor to process the Tab key. Previously, pressing the Tab key would result in input focus moving from the text editor to a different input field.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar. In some cases, modified occurrences of a recurring series wouldn't sync properly or would appear as duplicates.
  • Corrected the behavior of the "Use a different account" button on the "Add Google Calendar" window.
  • Corrected cases where events imported from an ICS file could be off by an hour, depending on the time zone.
  • Corrected copying and pasting completed events. The pasted events would also be marked as completed.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to close when its last reminder is dismissed or snoozed. The window would sometimes continue to be displayed with no reminders shown.
  • Corrected the drop-down date picker to always show the currently selected month in the middle, with the previous month above and next month below.
  • Corrected the mini desktop calendar to properly display dates that contain events having black text on a transparent background. The date numbers wouldn't appear in that case.
  • Corrected the text in the warning message when using a non-English language and a recurring event is defined which has a start date inconsistent with the recurrence pattern. The warning message wasn't fully translated.
  • Corrected the Korean translation.
  • Translated to Portuguese (Portugal).
  • Many other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.07 (May 14, 2016)

  • Corrected the display of times in the Day and Week views when formatted using a 24-hour clock. Minutes will no longer be truncated for times that are at the top of the hour (Example: 14:00-15:00 will be displayed instead of 14-15).
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.06 (May 8, 2016)

  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar on some computers. An error would appear in the status bar stating "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime."
  • Corrected the display of durations that are in increments of a quarter hour to show the duration value in hours instead of total minutes (example: 3.25 hours instead of 195 minutes).
  • Corrected the Urdu translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.05 (April 6, 2016)

  • Added the ability to specify an interval for yearly recurring events. For example, a recurring event can now be defined to occur every 4 years.
  • Improved performance, especially when adding calendars, deleting recurring events, and performing other operations that affect a lot of data.
  • Improved the Status Bar to show an indication when syncing with Google Calendar has failed, along with an explanation of what is causing the problem.
  • Improved the Help menu to include an option for viewing these release notes.
  • Corrected the Google authorization webpage to only appear one time, instead of opening each time VueMinder attempts to sync with Google. If authorization is denied, no further requests will be shown.
  • Corrected the Add Google Calendar window to not allow the same calendar to be added multiple times to VueMinder.
  • Corrected the Add Google Calendar window not show an error message if the calendar list is expanded by the user before the list has fully initialized.
  • Corrected pasting images into the description editor using Ctrl+V. In some cases, pressing Ctrl+V would have no effect.
  • Corrected the right-click menu in the Priority editor window to not allow the "none" priority to be deleted.
  • Corrected the Polish translation.
  • Translated into Japanese.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.04 (February 21, 2016)

  • Improved the Desktop Calendar to restore the Print and New item buttons that were previously in the upper-left corner.
  • Improved the date range drop-down list on the Print window to include a "Next month" option.
  • Corrected a problem with some calendar subscriptions not properly updating when synced.
  • Corrected intermittent cases where marking a single occurrence of a recurring event could result in all events of the series being marked as completed.
  • Corrected the drop-down Priority list to not require scrolling when text scaling is greater than 100% or when priority font sizes have set larger than 9pt.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to sort the reminders based on start time.
  • Corrected the Week view (in Grid mode) to show a context menu when right-clicking.
  • Corrected the Latvian translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.03 (January 31, 2016)

  • Added an option to shade dates that are outside the printed month when using the Monthly layout style.
  • Improved the appearance of desktop alerts and updated the desktop alert menu to show larger (touch-friendly) icons that are visually consistent with other icons in VueMinder.
  • Improved the date range drop-down list on the Print window to include a "This week" option.
  • Improved the "Today" button shown in the Go menu and in the upper-right corner of the Day, Week, and Month views. The button's icon will show the current date.
  • Improved the Day and Week views to highlight the current date. A different color border will be displayed around the current date's timeslots. The date header will also be shown in a different color.
  • Improved the layout of the Desktop Calendar to reduce the number of buttons shown near the top of the window. This simplifies the layout and reduces visual noise/distraction.
  • Improved the Event Editor for events that occur in the past. Instead of showing a large orange warning banner, a simple icon and warning label will be shown below the Save button.
  • Improved the randomly selected default colors for new calendars. A much larger palette will be used, containing colors that are brighter and more modern.
  • Improved tooltips to be fully opaque for easier reading.
  • Corrected a memory leak which could result in error messages or degraded performance.
  • Corrected performance when subscribing to calendars. The subscriptions could slow VueMinder's startup speed and cause degraded performance while syncing.
  • Corrected syncing with external calendars. In some cases, duplicates would be generated in VueMinder. Note, this correction won't remove previously generated duplicates but should prevent new duplicates from being created.
  • Corrected saving events. In some cases, new events wouldn't appear until the calendar view was clicked, due to a refresh problem.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to restore its previous position when VueMinder is restarted. In some cases, such as when using 3 monitors, the Desktop Calendar would incorrectly move to a different monitor.
  • Corrected the display of tooltips. In some cases, the tooltips could be clipped by the edge of the screen or have an arrow that was incorrectly positioned.
  • Corrected the "Show event descriptions in tooltips" option. Unchecking this option would have no effect and tooltips would still show the full descriptions.
  • Corrected the up/down arrows in the Details Pane when a date is selected.
  • Corrected the default color of selected dates in the Month View to be gray instead of light blue, since the default color for the current date is also a shade of blue and the similar colors could cause confusion.
  • Corrected an error message when attempting to open the Options window. The error was related to text-to-speech (TTS) voices and could occur on computers that have 3rd party TTS software installed which conflicts with VueMinder.
  • Translated into Latvian and Urdu.
  • Many other corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.02 (January 6, 2016)

  • Corrected intermittent error messages when syncing with Google Calendar.
  • Corrected the Location Editor to not allow the default (blank) location to be renamed something else.
  • Corrected the text editor toolbar to show the currently selected font color.
  • Corrected the text editor to include a border around the editable area. This helps differentiate the editable area from the toolbar.
  • Corrected the "Show Full Dates" option on the Desktop Calendar's Month View to show abbreviated month names, the same as the main window's Month View.
  • Updated the Hungarian translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.01 (January 1, 2016)

  • Improved the taskbar and notification area icons. The current date number is larger and easier to see in the updated icons.
  • Improved the main menu to support keyboard accelerator keys, such as Alt+F for accessing the File menu.
  • Corrected the F10 keyboard shortcut to activate the main menu. This is consistent with standard Windows application behavior.
  • Corrected the tooltip that is displayed when hovering the mouse over the VueMinder icon in the notification area. The tooltip would only appear on Windows 10.
  • Corrected the text editor to include a "Preview Mode" button (near the bottom of the editor), which enables clicking of hyperlinks without needing to hold the Ctrl key.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 2016.00 (December 29, 2015)

  • Note: This version requires either Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (installed by default on Windows 8.x and 10), or .NET Framework 4.0 with update KB2468871 (probably already installed if you use Windows Update).
  • Improved the user interface. The layout and button icons have been updated. Buttons, tabs, and icons are larger to provide a better user experience on touch-screen and high resolution displays.
  • Added a "Show Only this Calendar" menu command for showing only the items in the selected calendar. Items in other calendars will be filtered.
  • Improved application performance.
  • Improved the Desktop Calendar to recall its position based on any number of screen configurations and resolutions.
  • Corrected cases where data could become corrupted or lost.
  • Corrected printing of multi-day event start and end dates when using the "Whole month without overflow" monthly layout style.
  • Corrected the desktop calendar to show a tooltip when the mouse is hovered over an event.
  • Translated into Hungarian and updated the Norwegian translation.
  • Other corrections and improvements.

Version 11.3.1 (November 21, 2015)

  • Corrected printing of multi-day events to show the correct start and end dates when using the "Whole month without overflow" monthly layout style.
  • Corrected the Norwegian translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.3.0 (October 21, 2015)

  • Added an option to select the computer voice to be used for text-to-speech popup reminders and desktop alerts.
  • Added an Office 2016-inspired appearance theme. This appearance theme will be the default for new VueMinder installations. Pro and Ultimate version users can pick the previous appearance theme or choose from 17 other themes.
  • Improved the performance and reliability of Google Calendar syncing by updating VueMinder to use the latest Google Calendar API, which fixed a number of bugs related to syncing.
  • Improved the coloring of dates in the Navigation Pane, Mini Desktop Calendar, and Year View to be based on the order of calendars in the calendar list.
  • Improved copying and pasting of multiple events to use the same relative date/time offsets for the pasted events, rather than all the pasted events going into the same date or timeslot even if they were copied from different dates or timeslots.
  • Improved the display of completed events in the Month view to make the event titles easier to see while still being faded.
  • Corrected the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X keyboard shortcuts to properly copy or cut events.
  • Corrected the Calendar Properties window to properly save the state of the "Server requires authentication" checkbox on the Sync tab.
  • Corrected the event title when adding an anniversary event from the Contact Editor if a spouse's name hasn't been entered yet. The anniversary event title was missing the contact's last name.
  • Corrected pasting recurring event series on dates after the original end date of the copied series. The pasted series wouldn't appear.
  • Corrected the HTML webpage output to use the first day of the week specified in the Calendar Options, rather than the regional default.
  • Corrected the HTML webpage output when a day background has been configured to use a picture which can no longer be found. The output generation would abort without completing.
  • Corrected the "Monthly layout without overflow" print style to not show multiday events extending into the previous or next month.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to not automatically move input focus to the Snooze Length field when the reminder window appears or when a reminder is clicked in the list.
  • Corrected a crash in Windows 10 when the regional date/time format is configured as "English (Europe)".
  • Corrected date/time entry when Windows 10 is configured with Finnish regional settings.
  • Corrected the display and entry of times when Windows 10 regional settings are configured to use periods instead of semicolons in time values.
  • Corrected VueMinder to not crash or show blank event titles when certain Korean fonts are used.
  • Corrected the Korean translation.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.9 (June 7, 2015)

  • Added a Korean translation.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar when multiple events are intentionally defined on Google Calendar with the same title, date, and time. VueMinder would only show one of the events.
  • Corrected to not crash when the Windows On-Screen Keyboard is displayed.
  • Corrected occurrence numbering when the first instance of a recurring series is moved before the original series start date. In that case, the displayed occurrence number for the second occurrence would be #1 instead of #2.
  • Corrected the Translation Editor to allow editing the translated language name. This name appears in the Language menu.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.8 (April 15, 2015)

  • Improved the Print window to recall previously specified date range settings (such as "This Week" or "Next Month") for each print style.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar. In some cases, events defined on Google Calendar were not appearing in VueMinder. If this problem affects you, it can be solved by removing and re-adding your Google Calendar to VueMinder.
  • Corrected calendars added from Google Calendar to not show previously deleted instances of recurring events.
  • Corrected "403 Forbidden" errors that could sometimes occur when attempting to subscribe to online calendars.
  • Corrected the times of events in calendars that are synced with Yahoo Calendar.
  • Corrected the yearly occurrence start number input field to be visible on computers that are configured with larger text scaling.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.7 (January 23, 2015)

  • Added a "Huge" option for event tooltips. Selecting that option (in the Calendar Options) will increase text scaling in the tooltips by 160%, for easier viewing. Also improved readability of tooltip text when using the other size options.
  • Improved performance when a large number of categories or locations have been defined. The main window and editor windows will open more quickly now.
  • Corrected the "Due In" value shown on the Popup Reminder window. If the reminder window was left open for a long time, the "Due In" value would sometimes stop refreshing and become incorrect.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.6 (January 4, 2015)

  • Corrected a problem with the Add Google Calendar command not adding the selected calendar to VueMinder.

Version 11.2.5 (January 1, 2015)

  • Added a Greek translation. Also updated the Polish and Catalan translations.
  • Corrected a performance problem when deleting a category that has been associated with a large number of events. VueMinder would appear to freeze.
  • Corrected the Upcoming Events list on the Desktop Calendar to refresh when midnight is reached and to never show events on the previous day.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.4 (November 13, 2014)

  • Added a Catalan translation.
  • Improved the drop-down time picker to reduce the amount of scrolling. For example, when creating an event in the morning, 8:00 AM will be near the top of the drop-down list, rather than 3:00 AM.
  • Improved the drop-down event duration list to eliminate the need to scroll.
  • Corrected the descriptions of events that are in calendar subscriptions or are imported from ICS files. In some cases, the imported descriptions would be missing spaces.
  • Corrected the display of multi-week events on the Month view to not show the event starting time on subsequent week rows. The start time will only appear for the first week.
  • Corrected the whole Month print layout when the option to show overflow into other months is disabled and some of the dates that are in different months have background images. The background images of dates in other months will be excluded when printing without overflow.
  • Corrected several text labels that were unavailable to be translated to other languages.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.3 (August 9, 2014)

  • Added a Russian translation.
  • Corrected problems syncing with Google Calendar by updating VueMinder to use the latest Google Calendar API.
  • Corrected deleting recurring events when "This instance and all that follow" is selected. Modified instances that occur after the selected date were not being properly deleted.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.1 (July 18, 2014)

  • Added support for entering event times using 24-hour (military time) format without a colon, such as 2230.
  • Corrected a problem with snoozed reminders sometimes not re-appearing for recurring events that happened more than 7 days in the past.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.2.0 (June 20, 2014)

  • Added a Polish translation.
  • Added a Croatian translation.
  • Improved the window title of the Event Editor to show the event's date and time, in addition to the event's title.
  • Improved the reliability of Google Calendar syncing by updating to the latest Google Calendar API, which fixes a number of problems on Google Calendar's side.
  • Corrected deleting and editing recurrence events to not provide a "This occurrence and all that follow" option when the last occurrence of the series has been selected.
  • Corrected a problem where the "Find" window could appear off the screen if it was previously displayed on a secondary monitor that is no longer present or if the screen resolution was reduced.
  • Corrected the Undo command after the Calendar Properties window has been opened and then closed by clicking the Cancel button. After that point, no subsequent edits could be undone.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.1.1 (May 1, 2014)

  • Added an option to not include reminders when syncing with Google Calendar.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.1.0 (April 25, 2014)

  • Improved the tabs on the Calendar Properties window. All settings related to calendar syncing have been consolidated to a single "Sync" tab, for ease of use.
  • Corrected a problem with some events not appearing in VueMinder when a Google Calendar is added that contains many events.
  • Corrected undoing the deletion of a calendar when it contains recurring events and individual occurrences that have been modified or deleted. The modified occurrences would be duplicated and deleted occurrences would return after undoing the calendar deletion.
  • Corrected syncing the descriptions of Google Calendar events containing less-than characters.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.5 (March 3, 2014)

  • Improved the task tray icon to make the date easier to read. The new icon will also scale properly on all computers. The previous icon would appear distorted when the display scaling was set higher than 100%.
  • Corrected cases where duplicate instances of recurring events could be generated when importing or subscribing to an ICS file.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.4 (February 23, 2014)

  • Corrected events appearing at the wrong times in VueMinder when imported from some ICS files.
  • Corrected calendar colors not importing from ICS files that were previously exported from VueMinder.
  • Corrected a problem with recurring event deletions and variations in ICS files exported by VueMinder not importing properly into some other calendar programs.
  • Corrected events in calendar subscriptions sometimes being removed and not returning until after VueMinder is restarted.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.3 (February 16, 2014)

  • Corrected exporting recurring events to ICS files. When importing into other calendar programs, modified occurrences wouldn't import properly and recurring events would sometimes appear on the wrong dates.
  • Corrected an "Index out of range" error that could sometimes appear when importing or subscribing to ICS files.
  • Corrected processing Weather Underground ICS calendar subscriptions. These subscriptions stopped working in version 11.0.0.
  • Corrected the vertical scroll bar in the Month view to scroll the same number of weeks that are currently displayed, instead of always scrolling by 5 weeks and causing some weeks to be skipped.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.2 (February 10, 2014)

  • Added the ability to copy and paste mailing addresses in the Contact Editor.
  • Added a right-click menu for email, mailing address, phone number, website, and date values in the Contact Editor.
  • Added an option to show a Location column in the popup reminder window.
  • Added an option for voice reminders to speak each letter of acronyms or words that are in all CAPS.
  • Corrected a problem exporting ICS files for calendars that have deleted occurrences of recurring events. The deleted occurrences would still appear when importing the file into VueMinder or other calendar apps.
  • Corrected a problem when importing or subscribing to an ICS file that contains events having the same title and start time. The duplicate events were being ignored.
  • Corrected a problem when closing the Contact Editor. A message would sometimes appear asking if changes should be saved, even if no changers were made.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.1 (February 2, 2014)

  • Corrected a problem with some computers being unable to sync with Google Calendar even after Windows Update KB2468871 has been installed, or on computers where KB2468871 is not applicable.
  • Corrected importing event times from ICS files. In some cases, events would be marked as all-day or wouldn't appear at the correct times.
  • Corrected a problem with exported ICS files sometimes not being able to be imported by VueMinder or other applications.
  • Corrected the width of label columns in the Contact Editor. The columns were too wide on some computers.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to show today's date on the first week row of the Month view after VueMinder is restarted, if the Month view is configured to show a number of weeks instead of a whole month.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 11.0.0 (January 24, 2014)

  • Added the ability to define multiple phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, websites, social media links, and dates for a single contact. Each value can have a label to identify its type (home, work, etc).
  • Added an option (under the Reminder Options) to automatically mark past events as completed.
  • Added a Swedish translation. Also updated the Chinese, Danish, and Finnish translations.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to use the latest Google Calendar API. This fixes a number of bugs.
  • Improved and simplified the process for allowing VueMinder to access Google Calendar data. An authorization code no longer needs to be copied and pasted. Authorization can be performed using a single button click.
  • Improved VueMinder to be capable of accessing Google Calendar accounts that have 2-step verification enabled. Note, 2-step verification still needs to be disabled if syncing contacts with Google in the Pro or Ultimate version.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to include support for custom colors, instead of being limited to the basic Google Calendar color palette.
  • Improved popup and desktop alerts that have voice reminders enabled. If multiple voice reminders appear at the same time, each voice reminder will be played in sequence, rather than only one of the voice reminders playing.
  • Improved the right-click "Assign to Calendar" command to be provided for recurring events.
  • Improved adding a calendar subscription to work with URLs that are prefixed with "webcal://" or "webcals://".
  • Improved the display of date background pictures and date numbers. Previously, the entire top area of the date would be shaded to provide contrast for the date number, which only takes up a small space. Now, only the area directly below the date number will be shaded, allowing more of the background picture to be visible.
  • Improved most windows to close when the Escape key is pressed or to perform a default action when the Enter key is pressed.
  • Corrected a problem with Google Calendar authorization and syncing sometimes stopping after a few hours or days. In some cases, the authorization webpage would appear multiple times per day. This will no longer happen.
  • Corrected handling the case where networking problems temporarily prevent VueMinder from accessing Google Calendar. VueMinder will wait until a connection can be established and then continue syncing, with no authorization webpages or error messages displayed.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar in the case where a monthly event is defined to repeat every 2 or more months. The event would appear in VueMinder every single month.
  • Corrected syncing of recurring events with Google Calendar when the recurrence pattern is configured to repeat on a day of the week that is the 4th in the month, such as the 4th Tuesday.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar when recurring events are defined to start and stop on the same day. The single occurrence would not appear in VueMinder.
  • Corrected syncing recurring events with Google Calendar when they are defined to have an end date. In some cases, the last occurrence wouldn't appear in VueMinder.
  • Corrected a problem where VueMinder would not sync with events defined in Google Calendar that have the same title and occur at the same time as other events defined in the same calendar.
  • Corrected a problem with calendar subscriptions that only contain one event, where deleting that event in the remote calendar would not cause the event to be removed from VueMinder after syncing.
  • Corrected the "Sync Now" button in the bottom-right corner of the Status Bar. In some cases, the button wouldn't work for calendar subscriptions or calendars that are synced 1-way from Google to VueMinder.
  • Corrected ICS import/subscriptions and handling of time zones. In some cases, events would appear at the wrong time in VueMinder.
  • Corrected the "Connect to Server" window to include a check box for enabling SSL. This window appears if the option to save the password was not enabled and a calendar subscription requires authentication in order to sync.
  • Corrected a problem with recurring events sometimes not properly importing from ICS files, depending on how the recurrence pattern is defined in the ICS file.
  • Corrected a problem with importing ICS files when they contain event organizer email addresses that span multiple lines.
  • Corrected problems importing ICS files when they contain certain non-standard properties.
  • Corrected a problem with exported ICS files not importing properly into Outlook if one or more events in the exported file end at midnight but are not all-day events.
  • Corrected a problem where entering a title for a contact would result in the title being moved to the contact's first name the next time the contact is opened.
  • Corrected printing the 5-week Monthly layout style to use the specified date range instead of printing whole months.
  • Corrected the Month view to continue showing a whole month (if that option is enabled) when the "Today" or "Go to Date" buttons are clicked.
  • Corrected the Details Pane when set to "Today" to automatically refresh when the current date changes.
  • Corrected a problem when using the Italian translation and attempting to snooze reminders for more than 2 hours.
  • Corrected the "Due In" column in the popup reminder window to continue to refresh for events that started more than a few hours ago.
  • Corrected the Recent Reminders window to refresh when events are edited or colors changed.
  • Corrected the event count in the status bar to not include recurring events where all occurrences have been deleted.
  • Corrected the message displayed when deleting the first occurrence of a recurring series to not provide an option to delete the selected occurrence and all that follow, since that's the same as deleting the entire series.
  • Corrected the Edit menu and right-click menu to not show Categorize, Prioritize, and Assign to Calendar commands when the selected event is read-only or belongs to a subscribed calendar.
  • Corrected the up/down navigation buttons in the Event Editor to not show the previous event's description if the current event doesn't have a description.
  • Corrected a number of problems related to text scaling. Some input fields or buttons were being clipped on displays having 125% or larger text scaling.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to not hide the "Move/Resize" button when maximized. This was causing confusion for some users.
  • Corrected a problem with the Move/Resize button and other buttons in the upper-right corner of the Desktop Calendar sometimes disappearing.
  • Corrected the Calendar Items area to restore whichever tab (Calendars, Categories, Priorities, or Locations) that was active when VueMinder was last closed.
  • Corrected an unhanded exception message that would intermittently appear on some computers.
  • Many other minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.9 (April 19, 2013)

  • Added more formatting options for occurrence numbers. The additional formats can be selected in the Calendar Options.
  • Corrected a problem where events spanning multiple dates could sometimes overlap and obscure other events in the Month view.
  • Corrected a number of problems related to calendar subscriptions and recurring events. In some cases, syncing would result in recurring events being deleted, moved to the wrong date, or not updated to match the remote calendar. All these problems have been solved.
  • Corrected a problem importing or subscribing to a calendar that contains an occurrence of a recurring series, but not the original series. The occurrence wouldn't import.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.8 (April 4, 2013)

  • Added a Contacts button to the top of the Desktop Calendar, to allow quick access to contact data.
  • Improved the day tooltip and Details Pane to indicate which events are recurring.
  • Improved the appearance of the Desktop Calendar.
  • Corrected a problem with reminders being enabled in VueMinder for existing events after syncing with Google Calendar, if Google Calendar is configured with a default reminder but the reminder was intentionally disabled or not set in VueMinder.
  • Corrected problems with completed events sometimes not being faded, or being faded inconsistently. Also fixed cases where incomplete events were faded when they shouldn't be.
  • Corrected the start/end date range on the Print window to only show month names when the print layout is set to Monthly.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.7 (March 15, 2013)

  • Added the ability to specify a page title when saving calendars as web pages.
  • Added an option to show popup tooltips when hovering over events in generated web pages.
  • Improved performance by optimizing how data is cached.
  • Corrected the popup reminder settings to show the date field for picking a specific date and time when the reminder should appear. Previously, only the time field was visible.
  • Corrected the Print window to not always be displayed above the Print Preview window.
  • Corrected the Completed checkbox to be visible in the Event Editor for occurrences of a recurring series.
  • Corrected events to refresh their colors when they belong to a synced calendar, are colored based on category or priority, and have been re-categorized or reprioritized on a different computer.
  • Corrected importing or subscribing to ICS files. In some cases, events wouldn't import correctly.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.6 (February 21, 2013)

  • Translated to Armenian, Czech, and Norwegian.
  • Improved the date range selector in the Print window. A new 'This month and the next' option has been added.
  • Improved the Daily recurrence pattern to allow intervals of up to 999 days between occurrences. Previously, the interval was limited to 99 days.
  • Corrected the Recurrence tab in the Event Editor to be disabled for events that are occurrences of a recurring series or when the 'Recurring event' box is unchecked.
  • Corrected a problem with specifying the ending date of a recurring series. In some cases, the specified ending date wasn't probably saved.
  • Corrected the Delete button at the top of the Event editor. The button was disabled when it shouldn't have been.
  • Corrected a problem with sound sometimes continuing to play after the "Delete All" command on the Popup Reminder windows is used to delete all the listed events.
  • Corrected the drop-down list of recently used media files in the popup reminder settings. Any files that are no longer present will not be listed in the drop-down.
  • Corrected the up/down arrows in time-of-day fields to adjust the time value in a direction that is consistent with the up/down arrow key behavior in date fields.
  • Corrected toolbar and keyboard shortcut customizations to be properly restored when VueMinder is restarted.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.5 (February 9, 2013)

  • Improved performance. Most users should see a very noticeable performance improvement.
  • Improved the start/end time fields so pressing the up or down keys on the keyboard will adjust the time.
  • Improved editing of start and end times. When the start time is changed, the end time will update based on the currently specified duration.
  • Corrected VueMinder to use the latest stable Google Calendar API, which might solve intermittent syncing problems some customers are having.
  • Corrected selection of a starting timeslot for the Daily or Weekly print layouts, if the ending timeslot was set to midnight. For example, there was no way to specify a timeslot range of 9am to midnight.
  • Corrected popup reminder sound playback. In some cases, sounds wouldn't play or would only play once instead of looping.
  • Corrected playback of sounds on the popup reminder window. In some cases, especially when looping a very short sound file, the sound would continue to play after the reminder was dismissed or snoozed.
  • Corrected editing recurrence events when the option to also edit all following events is selected and the start date is changed. The original series would sometimes not end before the start date of the new series.
  • Corrected the "None" priority to have its name shown in the Priority List. Previously, the name would appear as blank.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to not allow its top edge to be moved off the screen, which makes it difficult to move later.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.4 (January 18, 2013)

  • Added an option to suppress the day-of-year number for dates shown in the Details Pane and popup tooltip.
  • Improved the Navigation Pane, Mini Desktop Calendar, and date picker dropdown to show a box around today's date.
  • Corrected an error message that could sometimes appear in the Event Editor while typing a start or end time using the keyboard.
  • Corrected a problem where event duplicates could sometimes be created if the same event is opened in multiple editor windows. If an event is already open and commanded to be opened again, the existing editor window will be shown.
  • Corrected the Paste command to not be disabled when the Details Pane content is set to 'Today'.
  • Corrected creation of events when a range of dates is selected. After saving the event, its end date would be set one day earlier than what was selected.
  • Corrected a problem with the ending date of multiday events changing after opening and saving.
  • Corrected the Month view to always show 'More activity' arrow indicators in dates where one or more events are either not shown because there isn't enough space, or only partially shown.
  • Corrected hovering over dates in the Mini Desktop Calendar to always show the date tooltip, regardless of whether the option to show tooltips in the main window and full desktop calendar has been disabled.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.3 (January 10, 2013)

  • Added the Traditional Chinese language translation. This will be the default if the language in the Windows Control Panel is set to Traditional Chinese. Otherwise, Traditional Chinese can be selected from the Language menu.
  • Improved the drop-down list for selecting start or end times. Selecting a time will be easier because the list will require less scrolling.
  • Improved calendar subscriptions to show a message when attempting to delete an event belonging to a subscribed (read-only) calendar. The message provides an option of disabling the subscription so events belonging to that calendar can be deleted.
  • Improved handling of recurring event reminders when several events in the same series have unprocessed reminders occurring in the past. Only the reminder for the most recent occurrence will be shown. Dismissing or snoozing the reminder will no longer result in another reminder for the next oldest occurrence appearing after 1 minute.
  • Corrected snoozing reminders when the option to combine popup reminders into a single window has been disabled and the reminder is snoozed past the event or task starting time.
  • Corrected a problem where recurring events would sometimes change to have an ending date of Dec 31, 9998, instead of not having any ending date.
  • Corrected the Calendar List to not automatically scroll to the top whenever a calendar syncs.
  • Minor corrections and improvements.

Version 10.1.1 (December 31, 2012)

  • Added the Finnish language. This will be the default if the language in the Windows Control Panel is set to Finnish. Otherwise, Finnish can be selected from the Language menu.
  • Improved the Snooze field in the popup reminder window to enter edit mode when a reminder is activated. Also, as a snooze value is typed, it will be autocompleted.
  • Improved the Details Pane to indicate whether the selected event has been marked as completed.
  • Improved the Configuration Wizard to ask if the user wants a calendar to appear on their Windows desktop. Previously, a desktop calendar would always appear and would need to be closed if the user didn't want it.
  • Improved event tooltips to allow more content before scrollbars will appear.
  • Corrected copying and pasting of events. In some cases, nothing would happen when attempting to paste.
  • Corrected importing from ICS files that were generated by iCal. In some cases, an error message would appear.
  • Corrected the Details Pane to update when a date is clicked in the Day and Week views. Previously, this was only working in the Month view.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to highlight today's date.
  • Corrected the task tray tooltip that is displayed after VueMinder is minimized, so clicking the tooltip will prevent it from appearing again (as indicated in the tooltip).
  • Corrected each menu command to end with "..." when using the command will result in a new window appearing within VueMinder.
  • Corrected printing to not show the "Click to add event" button, which would sometimes appear in the printout.
  • Corrected installation on Windows 8 to not incorrectly claim the need for .NET Framework 3.5. Only .NET Framework 4.0 is required.
  • Minor improvements and corrections.

Version 10.1.0 (December 1, 2012)

  • Added the Italian language. This will be the default if the language in the Windows Control Panel is set to Italian. Otherwise, Italian can be selected from the Language menu.
  • Added an option to select the desired tooltip size (tiny, small, medium, or large). Some users may find the smaller tooltips to be less obtrusive.
  • Added a warning when a reminder is snoozed past an event's starting time. There is also an option to disable this warning.
  • Added a "Paste as Plain Text" button to the text editor's toolbar. The text will be pasted using the currently specified format, not the format of the original source.
  • Improved tooltips to adjust the maximum tooltip size based on the screen resolution. Smaller screens will have smaller tooltips.
  • Improved the Navigation Pane and Mini Desktop Calendar to show clickable tooltips when hovering over a date. Events can be opened from the tooltip by clicking links.
  • Improved the Details Pane when content is set to "Selection" and a date is selected by clicking. All events occurring on the selected date will be listed.
  • Corrected tooltips to instantly hide when the mouse cursor is moved away from the tooltip or outside the VueMinder window.
  • Corrected tooltips to reappear after hovering over an event, moving off the event, and then hovering over the same event again.
  • Corrected the Today details to not show events that have been deleted from Google Calendar.
  • Corrected a problem with opening a recurring event from the Details Pane if the recurring event's calendar is filtered.
  • Corrected restoring the main window to normal size by clicking the "Restore Down" button in the upper-right corner. The window would immediately revert to the maximized size on some computers.
  • Corrected a problem where a snoozed reminder wouldn't reappear if the option to combine popup reminders into a single window was disabled and the popup reminder was snoozed by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the reminder window instead of clicking the Snooze button.
  • Minor improvements and corrections.

Version 10.0.1 (November 18, 2012)

  • Improved the popup tooltip shown when hovering over an event. The tooltip will now have an X in the upper-right corner. Clicking the X will hide the tooltip and prevent additional tooltips from appearing.
  • Improved the View menu and main toolbar to include an option that toggles whether a tooltip should be shown when the mouse is hovered over an event.
  • Improved the timing of popup tooltips. The popups will take slightly longer to appear, decreasing the likelihood of an unintentional tooltip appearing. They will also disappear immediately when the mouse is moved away.
  • Corrected previously snoozed reminders to restore the last snooze time as the default when the reminder appears again, instead of always defaulting to 15 minutes.
  • Corrected a problem pasting text into the event title when using the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut.
  • Corrected the Today summary in the Details Pane when a recurring event is clicked and multiple recurring events are scheduled. The first recurring event was always opened instead of the one that was clicked.
  • Corrected creation of all-day events when multiple dates are selected to extend all the way through the last selected date, instead of ending one day before.
  • Corrected an error when printing if the specified page margins are smaller than the physical limits of the destination printer.
  • Corrected the starting occurrence number field in the yearly occurrence settings. This field was not visible on some computers.
  • Corrected a problem with the buttons in the upper-right corner of the Desktop Calendar sometimes disappearing after the screen resolution is changed.
  • Minor improvements and corrections.

Version 10.0.0 (November 10, 2012)

  • Translated to Chinese, Danish, Dutch, German, French, and Spanish. The desired language can be selected from the Language menu. Additional languages are also available by using the "More Languages" command on the Language menu.
  • Added a language translation editor. This can be accessed via the Language menu when a non-English language is selected.
  • Added a "Today" view to the Details Pane, listing the current date's events. This will appear by default when the program is first started. It can also be shown by clicking "Today" in the new drop-down list at the bottom of the Details Pane.
  • Added the ability to switch the main window to full-screen mode using the F11 shortcut key or the View menu. Press F11 or Esc to exit full screen.
  • Added an option to the Month View to view/print multiple calendars side-by-side. This option is accessed via the Month Settings menu after unchecking the "View in Overlay Mode" option.
  • Added a default calendar selector to the Calendar List. The selector includes a lock button to prevent the default calendar from automatically changing when events belonging to other calendars are selected.
  • Added global hotkey options for showing the mini desktop calendar, creating new events, dismissing all currently displayed popup reminders and desktop alerts, and initiating a search. The hotkey commands will work regardless of whether the VueMinder window is active.
  • Added text alignment buttons to the Appearance Toolbar and editor windows. Events can now be left, center, or right-aligned.
  • Improved the text editor to support strikethrough, subscript, and superscript.
  • Improved the popup tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over an event. The tooltip can now be scrolled if there's not enough space for the full details to appear. Links within the tooltip can be clicked. The tooltip will reduce its size to fit the content.
  • Improved the desktop calendar to show tooltips when hovering over events without needing to first activate the desktop calendar by clicking.
  • Improved the layout and formatting of the Details Pane and event tooltips.
  • Improved the Files tab to allow linking to folders.
  • Improved the Upcoming Events list on the desktop calendar to better handle events that have start/end times and span multiple days.
  • Improved the popup reminder window to allow it to be sized much smaller. The visual appearance of the buttons at the bottom of the reminder window has also been improved.
  • Improved the popup reminder window to restore its previous size based on reminder content.
  • Improved the Event Editor to open more quickly. Also reduced the time required for VueMinder to start.
  • Improved the Files tab names in the Event editor window to indicate the number of associated files, if any.
  • Improved events to no longer require a default category. If a category isn't desired, the Category field can be left blank.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the main window, editor windows, and various other windows.
  • Improved the appearance of the About/Buy window and the Configuration Wizard. Also improved a number of icons.
  • Improved the global hotkey for showing the Desktop Calendar to toggle between showing the desktop and restoring the windows that were minimized.
  • Improved the VueMinder icon in the task tray to open the main window with a single left click, rather than needing to double-click the icon.
  • Improved Google Calendar authorization to work more reliably.
  • Improved transferring data between the USB and non-USB versions. A message will show when the destination data was last updated, to help prevent accidental overwriting of more recent data.
  • Corrected voice reminders to use the specified template instead of reciting the template tags.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar to prevent duplicate events from appearing in VueMinder.
  • Corrected syncing past events with Google Calendar if those events had reminders enabled and the option to show reminders for past events is disabled. The reminders will be suppressed when the events sync to VueMinder.
  • Corrected a problem with duplicate events being created when a recurring event and following occurrences is modified on an Android smartphone, synced to Google Calendar, and then synced to VueMinder. A duplicate event would appear on the date of the first edited occurrence.
  • Corrected exporting of recurring event variations to ICS files. In some cases, the variations wouldn't properly import into other software or Google Calendar.
  • Corrected subscribed calendars to be read-only, which will prevent accidental editing or creation of events belonging to subscribed calendars.
  • Corrected an error when attempting to subscribe to some calendars hosted on iCloud.
  • Corrected various problems importing ics files or subscribing.
  • Corrected editing recurring events when the "This occurrence and all that follow" option is selected. Sometimes this would result in duplicate events.
  • Corrected a problem with events or tasks that have both popup reminders and desktop alerts defined. Both reminders would reappear at the same time after having been snoozed previously, even if they were snoozed for different times.
  • Corrected the popup reminder and desktop alert settings to not show specific reminder dates/times when editing a recurring series. The times were for the first occurrence of the series, which could cause confusion.
  • Corrected adding a birthday or anniversary event from the Contact Editor. Modifications made to the new event, such as adding a reminder or description, were not being saved.
  • Corrected the Month view of the main window to allow inline creation of events using the "Click to add" button. The button wasn't appearing.
  • Corrected the "Click to add event" button. When the button was clicked, empty events or events scheduled at the wrong date/time were sometimes created.
  • Corrected the Day and Week views to show occurrence numbers in recurring events that have this option enabled.
  • Corrected page margin inconsistencies, which could vary from the Print Preview depending on the destination printer.
  • Corrected the Page Setup window to restore the previously specified paper type, rather than always resetting the paper type to Letter.
  • Corrected the font name and size buttons on the Appearance toolbar when the toolbar is docked vertically.
  • Corrected a problem with text overlapping in popup tooltips if using Courier New as the font in the description.
  • Corrected the desktop calendar opacity to be restored to the previous value when VueMinder is restarted.
  • Corrected the Day and Week views to zoom in and out by using the mouse scroll wheel while holding the Ctrl key.
  • Corrected the main window to restore its previous size when opened via the task tray icon or global hotkey. Previously, the window would always be maximized when re-opened.
  • Corrected the main window to reappear on the monitor where it was previously located, rather than defaulting to the primary monitor after VueMinder is restarted.
  • Corrected the desktop calendar to not reset its position if a small portion of the desktop calendar is moved outside the screen bounds.
  • Corrected opening of recurring events via the title link on the Details Pane. In some cases, the first occurrence of the event would open, rather than the occurrence displayed in the Details Pane.
  • Corrected and improved the Copy button of the Details Pane. The copied text will be nicely formatted for pasting into other programs.
  • Corrected date selection from the Navigation Pane if an the clicked date contains an event spanning multiple dates. The Day view was switching to the start date of the event, not the date that was clicked in the Navigation Pane.
  • Corrected selection of date ranges on the Navigation Pane if the last selected date contains events. Only the last date would be selected, rather than the specified range of dates.
  • Corrected the Group/Folder drop-down list on the Contact Editor to not include "Default" if no contacts belong to that group.
  • Corrected the Location Editor to allow the upper/lower-case of location names to be changed, instead of giving an error message about the new name not being unique.
  • Corrected a problem with program options/settings sometimes not automatically saving.
  • Many other minor improvements and corrections.