Translations Available
Version 10.0 adds the ability to translate VueMinder to many different languages, with more to be added in the future. Click here to download a supported language.
Some of the translations haven't been completed, so if you help us finish a translation you'll receive a free license of VueMinder Ultimate.
Language Menu
After installing VueMinder, it will automatically detect which language you're using based on the Windows regional settings specified in the Control Panel. If you're using one of the completed languages, you'll see the full VueMinder interface in your native language. If this doesn't happen, you can pick the desired language from the Language menu. If your language isn't listed, additional language files can be downloaded here. If your desired language isn't available to download and you'd like to help us translate, please let us know and we'll be happy to add it to the list.
Here's how the Language menu looks. In this example, the language is set to German:

Translation Editor
As mentioned above, the translations might be rough. If you'd like to help translate VueMinder to your language, click the "Translation Editor" command at the bottom of the Language menu. An editor window will open, allowing translated values to be corrected. Before editing any values, first click the "Update" button (green down arrow). This will download the latest language file, ensuring you don't accidentally spend time updating values that have already been corrected by someone else.
The editor table contains 3 columns. The first column is the original English value and is read-only. The second column is the translated value and can be edited as needed. The last column is used to mark a translated value as being valid and correct. Each time you correct or verify a translation, make sure to check the validated box.

There's a row at the top of the list that allows filtering of the list. For example, if you notice the text in one of the other windows is incorrect, you can use the filter to find which row(s) contain the incorrect text. There's a button on the left side of the filter cell that can be used to specify how the filter should work (begins with, contains, etc).

The translation editor window can be kept open while continuing to use VueMinder as you normally would. When the translation is saved, any corrections will automatically appear throughout the rest of VueMinder. There's no need to exit/restart or mess with 3rd party tools.
An important thing to note is that some of the translated values will contain text like {0}, {1}, {2}, etc. These are placeholders for other values that are inserted at runtime. Its very important these placeholders be preserved in the translated text. If the placeholders are accidentally removed, the program could stop working properly. Also, some of the translated values contain HTML codes (<p>, <br>, <a>, etc). If you don't know HTML, don't worry. Just try to wrap the translated text in the HTML codes and refer to the codes in the original text if you're not sure where the HTML codes should go.
Saving and Updating
After editing the translation, make sure to save using the button at the top of the window. When you're ready to submit the updates, click the "Send Update" button at the top of the window. After we review the updates they will be uploaded to the VueMinder website. The "Download Latest" button can be used to download the latest translation file and merge it with your own local updates, in case multiple people would like to collaborate on translating the same language.
Any languages that have 80% or more of their translation validated will be included in the next release. The other languages that still need to be translated are available to download here.